📄️ Dask
Dask is a flexible open source distributed framework for parallel computing. It has similar APIs to Numpy and Pandas, is an ideal choice for parallelizing Numpy, Pandas and List based code.
📄️ Ray
Ray is an open source project that distributed frameworks that has a more support for deep learning and reinforcement learning. It has a rich set of libraries and integrations built on a flexible distributed execution framework, is ideal choice for parallelizing model training and hyper-parameter tuning.
📄️ Pipeline Jobs
There are many ways pipeline jobs can be controlled: dashboard interface, GraphQL Playground, and Hyperplane API notebook_commons. You can submit, cancel, get output, and check status on jobs from your Sessions.
📄️ Utils
📄️ GraphQL
Submit a GraphQL query using graphql_operations() function.
📄️ NLP models
Hyperplane comes with some pre-packged NLP models for common tasks. The hyperplane nlp tools can be accessed through